In the vibrant city of Valentia, a dedicated group of individuals is making a profound impact on the lives of others. These are the Volunteer Ministers, an organization committed to providing compassionate assistance and practical solutions to those in need. Operating under the principles of Scientology, they offer a wide range of services, from di… Read More
“The true marriage of Bahá’ís is this, that spouse and spouse must be united both bodily and spiritually, which they could ever enhance the spiritual lifetime of each other, and should take pleasure in everlasting unity during many of the worlds of God.” (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, alternatives in the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Las creencias re… Read More
Undue affect won't erase the person’s outdated identification but alternatively makes a whole new identification to suppress the old 1. following differing kinds of manipulation, the creation of a completely new identification is finished step-by-step by formal indoctrination classes and informally by users, movies, video games, flicks, publicati… Read More